

This study delves into the issue of institutional violence against women through the lens of the Mariana Ferrer Law, highlighting how victims of sexual crimes undergo a process of revictimization facilitated by the judicial system. Employing a bibliographic and qualitative methodology with an inductive approach, the research focuses on the intersection between victimology and criminal law, underscoring the significance of human dignity in combating gender-based violence. Law N. 14.245 of 2021, stemming from the Mariana Ferrer case, is examined as a significant legislative milestone in the protection of sexual violence victims, aiming to curb institutional violence. Despite progress, this paper also identifies ongoing challenges in ensuring dignified treatment for victims within the justice system, emphasizing the need for additional measures that go beyond increasing penalties and focus on re-education and cultural transformation to prevent revictimization.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA, Salvador/BA, Brasil)

Post-Doctor in Law from the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, and Università del Salento. Doctor in Law from the Università del Salento. Doctor in Public Law and Master in Private Law from the Federal University of Bahia. University Professor. Leader of the Research Group The Fundamental Rights Discourse of Human Dignity in Comparative Law (CNPQ). Member and Researcher of the Network on Human Rights and Transnationality (REDHT), the Mediterranean International Centre for Human Rights Research (MICHR), the International Network of Constitutional Studies (RIEC), and the Academic Network on Climate Change, Energy, and Human Rights (RICEDH). Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Lawyers. Member of the Lawyers Institute of Bahia. Member of the Geographical and Historical Institute of Bahia. Member of the Academy of Human and Social Sciences and the Legal Letters Academy of Bahia. Lawyer registered with the OAB/BA.

Christiane Rabelo de Souza, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA, Salvador/BA, Brasil)

Ph.D. in Law from the Federal University of Bahia. Master in Law from the Federal University of Sergipe. Specialist in Constitutional Law from the Anhanguera University (UNIDERP). Lawyer registered with the OAB/SE. Higher Education Professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Anima Education Ecosystem Institutions. Coordinator of the Legal Practice Center at the AGES University Center/Paripiranga-BA. Member of the Research Group on the Effectiveness of Human and Fundamental Rights: its reflections on social relations.

Maria Vitória Santos Leal, Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia (TJBA, Salvador/BA, Brasil)

Lawyer. Postgraduate student in Criminal Advocacy - Legale Educacional. Postgraduate student in Constitutional Law - Gran Centro Universitário. Graduated from the AGES University Center/BA.


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How to Cite

SOARES, R. M. F.; SOUZA, C. R. de; LEAL, M. V. S. FROM JUDGMENT TO JUSTICE: INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE AND THE LEGACY OF THE MARIANA FERRER LAW’S PATHWAYS. Revista da AJURIS - QUALIS A2, [S. l.], v. 51, n. 157, p. 345–372, 2025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.


