CONSENSUALITY IN THE SANCTIONING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC ENERGY AGENCY (“ANEEL”):: a glance at the new Strategic Inspection based on the theory of Responsive Regulation


a glance at the new Strategic Inspection based on the theory of Responsive Regulation


  • Carlos Alberto Ferreira Lima
  • Carlos Eduardo Carvalho Lima ANEEL


This article reinterprets the sanctioning administrative process of the National Electric Energy Agency (“ANEEL”), specifically regarding the possibility of efficiency gains through the adoption of consensus mechanisms. Based on the exploration of bibliographic sources and the analysis of official documents issued by ANEEL, the transition from the “Traditional Inspection” model, embodied in command and control tools, with a very punitive bias, to the so-called “Strategic Inspection” is discussed, grounded in the light of the theory of responsive regulation, with a preventive, guiding and educational nature of inspection. The sanctioning administrative process must fundamentally aim at restoring regulatory compliance, in a less costly and more efficient manner, with an effective improvement in the quality of the provision of public electricity distribution and transmission services.


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How to Cite

LIMA, C. A. F.; LIMA, C. E. C. CONSENSUALITY IN THE SANCTIONING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC ENERGY AGENCY (“ANEEL”):: a glance at the new Strategic Inspection based on the theory of Responsive Regulation. Revista da AJURIS - QUALIS A2, [S. l.], v. 50, n. 154, p. 31–58, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


