This is a critical review of the work “Fracionamento de direito no processo: análise do desmembramento do pedido à luz da teoria da triplice identidade da ação” (Fractioning of Law in the Process: Analysis of the Dismemberment of the Request in Light of the Theory of the Triple Identity of the Action), by Professor Guilherme Rangel de Oliveira Mattos. The author’s question that is sought to be answered is: what are the consequences of the division of law for the Brazilian legal system? The work argues that the division of law is presented as the filing of two or more lawsuits, which have the same parties and the same cause of action, the distinction of which lies only in the request formulated. Based on this review, we seek to analyze the contribution made by Guilherme Mattos to the understanding of how the Judiciary deals with the issue, notably from the subsidiary application of the theory of identity of the legal relationship for the purpose of identifying the lawsuit. In the end, we note that, for Guilherme Mattos, “the proposal presents itself as an attempt to balance the problems arising from the division of law, aiming to obtain the most appropriate procedural model”.
BRASIL. Lei nº 13.105/2015. Código de Processo Civil. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 ago. 2024.
MATTOS, G. R. de O. Fracionamento de direito no processo: análise do desmembramento do pedido à luz da teoria da tríplice identidade da ação. Belo Horizonte: D’Plácido, 2023.
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